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Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday Skywatch: Take Joy

"The gloom of the world is but a shadow.
Behind it, yet within our reach, is joy. Take joy!"
 Fra Giovanni (1513 A.D.)

Take joy... yes, that is exactly what we need to do. We must reach out for it -- because in the same way we catch a glimpse of a stunning sunset peeking out from behind darkened clouds and trees, the joy we long for -- and need -- is right there too.

I took this photo at sunset one summer evening as storm clouds gathered. The combo of light and dark, black against fiery reds, was breath-taking.

 Wishing you glimpses of heaven in unexpected places,

Linking with Friday Skywatch


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Study in White

"After The Rain"

"Intimacy - Into Me See"

"Cascade over the garden gate"

"Come in ~ we've been waiting for you!"

My beautiful Mock Orange shrub loves to show off her pretty blossoms each summer. She's a delight in our garden. Her fragrance is sweet and her presence welcomes visitors as they come through the side gate.

This week Vee hosts her Notecard Party. The gentle rule is to select a theme, choose four photos we've posted in the past, and create a 'set' of notecards. Thanks, Vee, for the wonderful party -- I'm pleased to share this Study in White.

For some wonderful glimpses of extraordinary themes and photography, visit the Notecard Party -- I pretty certain you'll be glad you did.

Wishing you a beautiful day,

Monday, March 19, 2012


Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles.
It empties today of its strength. ~ Unknown

Dare to live today as if you didn't have a care in the world.

It will do us both a world of good. Not to mention lift the burden
that we were never meant to carry in the first place!

  Go and be free of your cares today...


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Simply Sunday: Until We're Set Free

"In every block of marble I see a statue as plain as though it stood before me, shaped and perfect in attitude and action. I have only to hew away the rough walls that imprison the lovely apparition to reveal it to the other eyes as mine see it."  ~Michelangelo

Someone once asked the great Italian sculptor how he knew what to carve away from the block of stone on which he was working. He replied, "I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free."

Michelangelo provides a lovely example of what God the Great Sculptor is doing in my own life. It's a work in progress, this sculpting and hewing. Sometimes it's a secret work. Sometimes it's a hard work. Sometimes it's a painful work.

But yet, I dare to rest in the truth that He does see the finished product, the true me, even when I can't. What He sees is good...lovely...perfect.

When I remember the ancient words in Paul's letter to the Romans that God can make all things work together for my good, that work also includes the careful 'hewing away' of all that is not beautiful... all that yet imprisons me in stony walls of darkness.

As yet we are like a secret work in progress, and until all the rough walls are hewed away, not every eye will see us as He sees us. But one day, we will be freed to be our true selves -- sons and daughters sculpted into the beautiful image and likeness of Jesus our Lord. We will be revealed, even as He was.

That is a most hopeful thought.  He says of me, I saw her in the marble and carved until I set her free.  He says that of you.

I've caught a glimpse this morning... something that brings renewed hope and strength for my journey. Now I wish you a glimpse of grace and renewed courage for yours.


Saturday, March 17, 2012

What Are You Up To This Saturday?

I'd love to have a peek into what your Saturday looks like today. We can talk about the weather. We can chat about what's for breakfast. What you're doing, wearing, reading; what you're saying, feeling, thinking. In just a few short sentences (or longer ones, if you have lots to say). Using the letters that make up the word 'Saturday'. I'll go first...
S - Soft gray skies

A - Appreciating my hubby as he does the errands this morning

T - Trying to stay quiet of body and mind after a busy week

U - Underlining a few ponderable quotes (see below)

- Reading Jan Karon's In This Mountain and vintage March issues of Victoria

- Delighting in a pottering, snoozing, simple kind of day

A - Admiring the gift of Mozart's music as its cheery notes waft through the house

Y - Yummy plans to make a quick apple strudel

Wishing you a beautiful day,

Monday, March 12, 2012

More From Silly Old Bear

"What day is it?"
"It's today," squeaked Piglet.
"My favorite day," said Pooh.

Yes, we're with Pooh on this one -- none of that blue Monday stuff for us. Wishing you a day with some of your favourites. Click here for a few of mine.


Friday, March 09, 2012

Thoughts From An Old Bear

" It is more fun to talk with someone
who doesn't use long, difficult words
but rather short, easy words like, "What about lunch?”

~ A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

 A friend is picking me up for an outing and lunch today.
How about you... what are you up to this Friday?

Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Five Beauty Tips For Your Home


Not motivated?  Start with one minute.
Clean one drawer, one shelf, one file folder,
one cupboard, one tiny task.

Keep only what you believe to be Beautiful or Useful.
Think as if you were moving to a home
half the size of your current place.  Do you really need that?

Don't spend dollar time on penny jobs.
For me, I never spend quality time on windows ~
dust settles as do raindrops
even before I finish the last squeaky swipe.

A place for everything,
and everything in its place. 

 Remember the old Minute Rice commercials?
It's amazing how much we can accomplish in just 5 minutes.

Bonus TIP
Visit Rachel at Simple Notebook., who says
you don't need to buy more storage containers to get organized.
Now I like that idea. Check her site for lots of wonderful ideas
on how to simplify your home.

 Here's to beauty in every corner...

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