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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Don't Take Guilt Trips


If you must take a trip, take one to the shops...


Or to an old world rose garden...


Or a trip to the seashore... 

But don't even bother taking any guilt trips.
The memories will be awful,
never mind the collection of  'negatives'
from the photography sessions!

Here's wishing you some nice trips this year!



  1. Brenda...I love this!!! I've taken a few of those....

  2. Oh yes!

    In the year 2000, I finally gave myself permission to use my mind and think for myself and ponder things. A lot of time later, I came to my present life view.

    And believe me, it is one which is GUILT FREE!

    Mmmmmm, I have a *Grumpy* post today. Hope you have time to pop over and read it. :-)

    "I'm tired, tired, tired,
    of *new,* *new,* *new*..."


  3. Guilt Trips are emotionally expesive and hard to recover from.

    I like the idea of coffee shop for a latte. Want to meet me?

  4. some guilt is necessary for improvement but most of it just gets in our way...

  5. Clever! I may remember this one.

  6. Hi Brenda....ha ha ha That was a good post. I'm going to take your advice today----no guilt trips! Susan

  7. I love this!! I am now letting myself give up a book without feeling bad!!

  8. Good advice. Guilt is so destructive, and counterproductive. I'd love the latte though!

  9. Sometimes it is hard not to take a guilt trip but thanks for the reminder that I don't have to go. I can stay home and enjoy my books.

  10. I am afraid we have all taken those trips before. They're never fun don't make good memories. Here's to more fun and less guilt.

  11. So... dear friends... what shall we pack for our new trips in 2012?

  12. Oh, I love that country garden. I would love to just mosey on inside and rest a spell. It would be so wonderful if I could just not take any more guilt trips. The Lord says that all things are possible to him who believes. I'm just not going to take those trips anymore. Thanks for a wonderful post.

  13. Hi Brenda, yes you are so right! Guilt trips are no fun and just make everyone miserable. When there is guilt,
    it is like looking at a beautiful garden through a dirty window! Nothing ever looks at its best. Have a lovely friday afternoon and thank you Brenda for this important reminder! Delisa :)

  14. I love this!! You are so right. What a great way to think of it - just don't go on the trip. Love it. :) Wishing you a beautiful year...

  15. Great reminder! ...and we do have so many more interesting places to go.

  16. I would love to be able to decorate my latte like that! :)

  17. Hi Brenda, I was just thinking about you today and thought I would pop over and say hello! I hope you are having a nice monday. It has been rainy here all day. I made your cinnamon roll recipe that you have on the cooking blog the other day and they came out wonderful! Have a beautiful afternoon. Delisa :)

  18. Each one beautiful, and each one a perfect trip idea!

  19. Good idea... i like it. It is nice one.

  20. we second that! Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx


To My Beautiful Readers,

Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same. ~ Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today.

Brenda xo