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Monday, November 09, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY... I'm linking to The Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window... Blue skies. Sunshine. Leafless tree branches. Cheeky chickadees.

I am thinking... About the aha! moment when I recognized a mindset I've nurtured and babied for a long time has been a key to what keeps me from committing to exercise on a more regular basis. I've always felt (notice that it's an emotional response) that exercising was an interruption to my life. Walking was fine, but actually taking an hour or two every other day to go to a class or the gym just seemed way too time consuming, not to mention, bo-rrrrring.

But when I finally clued in, I realized that's why I could never stay on track. My little 'guardian' inside my head kept insisting that, "We don't want to do this, it's interferes with our life, what a bore, what a chore, no more!"

For more on this great thinking business, check out Thinking For A Change by John C. Maxwell.

I am thankful for... electricity and heat as the days grow darker and colder. And for my house and that I don't have to live in a tent or cardboard box. Lord, help us to show compassion and love for those who do.

I am wearing... jeans, a brilliant green v-necked tee shirt, and dangling silver earrings.

I am going... to clean out my office this week. The clutter bugs flew in when I wasn't looking and left paper piles... again. I really think I should consider keeping more info on my computer, but, alas, I still like the feel of that paper/book in my hand!

I am reading... Healing Your Financial Soul by David Hicks. The author shares helpful insights and exercises about finding out what you think and how you feel about your finances, and uncovering those thoughts, beliefs and emotions that keep you from enjoying the financial level you desire for your family. Some very interesting thoughts are surfacing as I read! He says, "If you struggle financially, it's because you were taught, and you agreed to believe, and have made countless decisions to prove, that you're supposed to struggle."

On my mind... An old hymn I'd heard so many times growing up as a child, that I learned the words without ever having to memorize it. "Great is Thy Faithfulness... morning by morning new mercies I see, All I have needed thy hand hath provided..."

Noticing that... it gets dark SOOO early now. Makes me think of getting ready for Christmas, things like working on gifts and planning how to make our home inviting and cozy for everyone when they come this year.

From the kitchen... Lunch is leftovers today: pan sauteed noodles, mushroom sauce and three meatballs, salad with homemade creamy dressing, a small glass of Clamato juice. (My hubby, who likes things to be split 50/50 will insist on splitting that 3rd meatball -- ha ha).

Around the house... Chores like laundry, some cleaning, and a bit of organizing. Sounds tedious, but there is something I love about bring order out of chaos, even if the chaos is a tumble of clothes waiting for the dryer.

One of my favorite things... Watching Miss Kitty snooze so contently in a sunbeam. Cats really have perfected the art of napping. We should take notes.

From my picture journal... The Sunset Artist's goodnight signature as seen from my backyard one summer evening.

Wishing you a glimpses of heaven in unexpected places,


  1. Brenda,
    And look at our picture journals! I, too, love meeting kindred spirits. And there are more similarities. My email address has shellseeker in it, because it is one of my favorite books. And in my previous life -- before kids -- I wrote numerous newsletters for work and an organization I belonged to. . . What fun!

    The book you're reading sounds like something I should do. I follow your line of thinking on the exercise thing. It's always been a battle for me.

    So happy to meet you and I look forward to visiting some more:)

  2. First, since I'm a green person (favorite color; not jealous, or ecologically inclined), I must tell you how much I enjoy your homepage. It makes me smile.

    Wish I could wander over to share your leftovers and some favorite things.


  3. What a post - fun and thought-provoking, light-hearted and pensive, full of images and colour - very satisfying to read.

    Enjoy the 1/2 meatball!

  4. I loved reading this journal entry today!!! Good luck on the exercise frame of mind!!

  5. Lamentations 3:22 It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.

    23 They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. KJV

    I love that old hymn, too.

  6. Yes, there's alot more to this financial business than just figuring out a budget! Lots of baggage attached to the whole shebang, usually!

  7. Karen -- a true kindred spirit! What a delight! I look forward to exploring your site more so I can get to know you better.

    Sassy Granny -- You made me chuckle. Whenever I think green I think of Kermit thee Frog, cause he loved green too! Yes, the leftovers were yummy! It would have been fun to share with you.

    Lorrie -- thank you for your thoughtful feedback. Speaking of satisfying, you 'contented' something in my heart as well by your kind words!

    Staci -- We'll have to keep you posted on that exercise thing. If I can actually do this, I'm be leaping from tall buildings with joy!

    Dimple -- that's where that verse is -- about his mercies being new every day. I LOVE that one. Isn't that old hymn a joy to sing!

    Penniwig Dear -- It's true, it's amazing at how many levels of the onion we have to peel off before we get to the root of things. I wonder if it would be so difficult if we, in this hectic society, would consider more quiet, reflective times as a precious, sacred thing and protect it more for our souls.

    What do you think?

    Thanks everyone for leaving your footprints in my comments garden today! Such fun to read them.

  8. fun to listen in on your thinking. convincing yourself that exercising is fun. I find myself looking forward to a bike ride or a walk each day. It's something I do for me and is helping with my weight loss goals.

  9. Fun learning more about you. If I was there I would sing the old hymn with you and then hope you would share your leftovers with me. You always make me smile.

  10. I think I may have to make a copy of all your reasons to make exercise a part of your life. I've been trying to convince my hubby to walk to the local gym, put in an hour, and walk home. It's probably 1/3 of a mile from the Hollow. I haven't got him convinced. I'm usually pretty perhaps I need to work on getting my heart into it a bit more. This will definitely help with that endeavor!

  11. Oh my, there is so much to comment on . . . I agree. Amen! I am sad because of the short days and just checked that they will keep getting shorter until December 21. Boo hoo. Yup, wrong self-talk or beliefs paralyze me. It is hard to change.

  12. Brenda, you have really made me think here...especially about the physical activity. I spend so much of my day hunched over my drawing board that I imagine taking time to work out here and there would be really beneficial. But like you, I haven't wanted to commit the time to it. And I also talked to my hubby this morning about making a commitment to de-clutter over the next two weeks. I am looking forward to it.

