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Pressing My Books Into Service (2020 Covid series)

Image by Anrita 1705 from Pixabay

There are no faster or firmer friendships
than those formed between people
who love the same books.
Clarence Darrow for the Defense

March 2020

Individuals across social media are finding myriad of creative ways these days to help people cope during the pandemic lockdowns, e.g., reading poetry aloud; singing and playing music; creating amusing pet videos; even posting more often on their blogs. Some of you have mentioned you find yourselves, at this time, unable to read anything too deep or heavy. I am finding that myself and have been reaching for books I can wrap around me like a comfy sweater during these—as one blogging friend put it—tilting times.

If you were at my house, you'd be most welcome to browse my bookshelves as the tea brewed. Alas, since that's not possible, especially now with lockdowns, I've taken to browsing my book collection with you in mind—looking for books I think you might enjoy and then sharing excerpts with you. It's my small online contribution to help create community in isolation.

I hope you enjoy. Please keep safe and happy reading! 

Heart hugs,

2020 Series