"It was one of those March days when the sun shines
hot and the wind blows cold, when it is summer in
the light and winter in the shade."
I came across a little prompt the other day for people to use their five senses as a way to get their thoughts into a calm space. What a good idea - I surely need that reminder some days. Thankfully my mind felt calm and peaceful when I woke from a decent sleep. So I thought I'd use the prompt as a way to wake up my senses to the new day, to pay attention to the world around me as Rick and I headed out for our early morning walk.
We're back and I'm ready for the day. I have things to do, places to go, people to see, beauty to create. Here's my little list before I head out into my world. I wish you love and kindness, dear beautiful friends, wherever you call home.
Five things I SAW this morning
1. The deeply satisfying gold of the sunrise;
how quickly it changes to pale yellow
2. The novel laying on my bedside table;
I'm reading Life of Pi by Yann Martel
3. A magpie carrying nesting material in her bill; obviously
it's not too early to get started on building a nursery
for the new family
4. The still-frozen surface of the quiet pond that we
walked past; no Canada Geese yet
5. Happy dogs out for their walks - one beautiful fellow
with a plumy black tail rhythmically checks
all lamp posts along the street
Four things I HEARD
1. My husband's voice as he asked what I wanted for breakfast
2. The distinct calls of the chickadees and nuthatches
3. The hum of traffic in the distance
4. The crunch of pebbles underfoot
Three things I TASTED
1. My first cup of freshly brewed coffee for the day
2. Plump blueberries and juicy strawberries
3. A small bowl of cottage cheese to pair with the berries
Two things I SMELLED
1. Coffee brewing
2. The earthy smell of cool and warm air
mixing as we walk
One thing I TOUCHED
1. My husband's hand while we walked; I hope
we never stop holding hands - it's a favourite joy for me
Wishing you a beautiful day,
Photo credits:
Image by Pezibear from Pixabay
My Blogging Schedule:
I post on Fridays