Also Post Here

Monday, March 10, 2025

I'm Posting Elsewhere Today... Will You Come Vist?

When I say, 'a place means something to me',
the place is often a location that holds significant meaning,
often tied to strong memories, emotions, and a sense
of belonging... whether it's a childhood home, a favourite
holiday spot, or a quiet corner that provides peace and comfort.

It's only Monday, I know, not my usual day to post, but I have been working on a new piece for InScribe, my writer's fellowship blog. It goes live today, and I'd be delighted if you'd visit me there. 

I have been mulling about how 'place' matters in life. How it matters to people, plants, stories. It has been gratifying to explore the significance of ‘place’ as it relates to my own life. I'm keen to share my discoveries with you and hope something in these musings will resonate as you think about your own place in our world. Grab a cup of tea and meet me HERE.

Wishing you a beautiful day,
Photo credits:
Brenda Leyland @ It's A Beautiful Life

My Blogging Schedule:
I post on Fridays

Friday, March 07, 2025

Five on Friday: Awakening My Five Senses

"It was one of those March days when the sun shines
hot and the wind blows cold, when it is summer in
the light and winter in the shade."

I came across a little prompt the other day for people to use their five senses as a way to get their thoughts into a calm space. What a good idea - I surely need that reminder some days. Thankfully my mind felt calm and peaceful when I woke from a decent sleep. So I thought I'd use the prompt as a way to wake up my senses to the new day, to pay attention to the world around me as Rick and I headed out for our early morning walk.

We're back and I'm ready for the day. I have things to do, places to go, people to see, beauty to create. Here's my little list before I head out into my world. I wish you love and kindness, dear beautiful friends, wherever you call home.

Five things I SAW this morning

1. The deeply satisfying gold of the sunrise;
how quickly it changes to pale yellow

2. The novel laying on my bedside table;
I'm reading Life of Pi by Yann Martel

3. A magpie carrying nesting material in her bill; obviously
it's not too early to get started on building a nursery
for the new family

4. The still-frozen surface of the quiet pond that we
walked past; no Canada Geese yet

5. Happy dogs out for their walks - one beautiful fellow
with a plumy black tail rhythmically checks
all lamp posts along the street   

Four things I HEARD

1. My husband's voice as he asked what I wanted for breakfast

2. The distinct calls of the chickadees and nuthatches

3. The hum of traffic in the distance

4. The crunch of pebbles underfoot

Three things I TASTED

1. My first cup of freshly brewed coffee for the day

2. Plump blueberries and juicy strawberries

3. A small bowl of cottage cheese to pair with the berries

Two things I SMELLED

1. Coffee brewing

2. The earthy smell of cool and warm air
mixing as we walk

One thing I TOUCHED

1. My husband's hand while we walked; I hope
we never stop holding hands - it's a favourite joy for me

Wishing you a beautiful day,
Photo credits:
Image by Pezibear from Pixabay

My Blogging Schedule:
I post on Fridays