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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Uncovering Word Nuggets

There's always something quite satisfying about taking a few moments to clean off the junk pile that accumulates on the side of my desk. For one thing, there's the joyful pleasure of putting things to rights in one's corner of the world, even if it's just the corner of my desk. Then, there is the delight that comes when one uncovers a 'nugget' in a pile of junk.

I can't say that I ever found any hidden cash in those piles. No, my tiny treasures are not of the monetary kind. Still I do enjoy uncovering some timely saying scribbled on a scrap of paper. Let me share a few with you before they disappear into the pile again.

On Variety...
The best way to know life is to love many things.
~ Vincent Van Gogh

On Forgiveness...
Always forgive your enemies--
nothing annoys them so much.
~ Oscar Wilde

On Hope...
Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.
~ Carl Bard

On Sharing...
To get a full value of a joy
you must have someone to divide it with.
~ Mark Twain

On Homemaking...
Take responsibility for the way your home feels.
~ Alexandra Stoddard

On Writing...
Just pay attention,
then patch a few words together,
and don't try to make them elaborate.
This isn't a contest but a doorway.
~ Mary Oliver

Three Rules of Work...
Out of clutter find simplicity;
From discord find harmony;
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
~ Albert Einstein

On Clearing Clutter...
If I was moving away, would I take it with me?
~ Kathy, my sister

On Discarding Paper...
If I've learned the lesson (written on this paper),
why do I need to keep it?

If I have not learned the lesson
from this piece of paper yet, I'm not going to learn it.
(Maybe I need) to get a new piece of paper.
~ Kathy, my sister

Wishing you a fine day!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This and That

I'm still out for the count on my busier than usual days. I'm thankful I didn't say I'd be holding my breath till I got things back in order and I'd able to join the warm circle of bloggers on a more regular basis. Not only have we been clearing the deck, I mean the desk, the drawers, and the paper piles. While we puttered, we've been doing a wee bit of soul searching too.

DOING some attitude adjustments (these adjustments sometimes crack like those old chiropractic treatments used to sound -- haven't been for one in years, I hear they don't do those yanks anymore -- a good thing). Sometimes I get a little lax about keeping my gratitude tank topped up. It's not that I go out of my way to think ungrateful things, I just don't always remember to attune to the new mercies of beauty and grace that show up fresh every morning.

THINKING about what's important in this particular season of my life. New seasons are good, don't you think? Although I enjoy new beginnings any time of the year, Spring really is a perfect time to start fresh -- after all, we're joining with all creation in bursting with new life.

PONDERING that wonderful quote by Mary Oliver... "Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" After all, I'd hate to arrive at the end of my life and have God ask me what I did with his gift to me and not be able to answer well. I would want to be able to admit I loved  others even when it wasn't easy, that I gave my life to help others even when it was a sacrifice, that I encouraged others when words seemed so little, that I believed Him even when faith sometimes seemed so mustard-seed minuscule.

LAUGHING at the silly shenanigans of my gracefully getting older car. On a very spring-like day a couple of weeks, Miss Black Beauty and I decided to stop for Dilly Bars at the DQ for myself and two friends, when suddenly we heard a clattering clunk on the pavement. Something did something, I knew that. But not sure what, I did have a passing giggle thought that maybe the engine had fallen out.

Looking in my rear-view mirror, no, there was nothing on the road. However, upon my arrival at the DQ parking lot, that's when I noticed the car's front left signal light was a-bobbling out of its socket, like an eyeball springing out in a cartoon. For all my effort, it wouldn't stay in place, so as I drove to my friends' office (I mean, after all, I had ice cream to deliver) I was laughing all the way, wondering what other drivers were thinking (if they were thinking) when they saw the signal light blinking from 'way down there'. I still chortle at that craziness of it -- and we managed to pop the 'eye' back in place.

Maybe this is where Mary Engelbreit's quote fits: "She who laughs, lasts".

Here's wishing you something to laugh about today,

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tiny Stitching Treasures

Talk about making a square inch count.

If you're wondering what I'm talking about, it's what 39 Squares is doing to celebrate her 39th birthday. An amazing needle woman, this blogger decided to create a grid-style sampler with a square for each of her 39 years. A square a day.

It's amazing how much beauty and delight can fit into one tiny inch of fabric. It's one of those 'good things in small packages' deal! I've taken the liberty of sharing a tiny sample of her work to make you want go and see the rest for yourself.

And no, as much as we'd love to, I'm not actually stitching along... just 'hitching' a ride to watch creativity threaded at its best. However, it might send you flurrying for your own box of coloured yarn, beads, and needles.

May threads of beauty and grace be woven into the fabric of your day!
