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Friday, September 25, 2009

Time Flies

They used to say time flies when you're having fun. But it seems these days time flies whether you're having fun or not!

Remember when you were a youngster standing at the end of another school term, how long the summer holidays stretched in front of you? They were like a never-ending skipping rope of fun and freedom. That was how it felt at the beginning, but we all know, with each passing year it seemed like someone fooled with the holidays and they got shorter and zoomed by faster.

A few weeks ago I was chatting with my cousin about how quickly life happens. She mused that someone, somewhere must be taking away a few weeks from each year. Instead of four in a month, now there's only two. You start the month, you blink, and it's gone.

I used to feel cheated because the days passed so quickly. It always felt like I was trying to hold the reins of a runaway team of horses. I wanted to savor my life more slowly. I wanted to find a way to capture that childhood sense of timelessness.

Then one day something dawned on me. Why was I trying to hold it back? There was nothing to be done about it. Let the days fly if they must.

Instead of trying to 'slow' time down, it's more important to learn how to be more selective in my choices and to learn how to make the most of the days I do have, to make a difference to others, to create a little 'heaven on earth' in my corner of the world.

So let the days fly... maybe we'll learn how to ride the winds of time with the grace and ease that eagles do as they soar far above us.

Happy day,

Thursday, September 24, 2009

We Got Mail!

Yesterday the cutest artwork arrived in my mailbox. A few weeks ago Queenmother had a blog giveaway and it was my name that was drawn. We are a happy recipient!

Now.... don't you think that is the cutest chicken you ever did see?

Tucked also inside the envelope was a very pretty hand painted book mark. As I like to say, you just can't have too many bookmarks! It'll be a lovely addition to my collection.

Thanks so much, Queenmother ... what a delightful treat!

Wishing you all a beautiful day
with a little bit of fun tucked in there somewhere,

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

An Autumn Morning

Went for an early morning walk. The air was warm, balmy, still. The skies were that deep clear blue and everything felt so fresh. Met various residents of the neighbourhood --- the woman out walking her cute dog, a beautiful calico cat watching her world from the safety of her front garden, a brilliant blue jay who plopped on the ground intent on finding breakfast, not to mention the two black crows chattering from their respective perches and treetops.

I sigh with a contentedness.

Why don't I do this every morning, I often ask myself, because I don't. Yet, being out in nature's beauty gives me not only that sense of well-being in my soul, it often inspires me to eagerly tackle some project when I walk back through my front door.

For Beauty on the outside usually motivates me to create something pleasant and lovely on the inside. Whether it's housework or a bit of cookery, writing or sorting through a paper pile, chatting with my mom on the phone, or picking up something to read, my day feels 'on track'. And when I feel that way, I know I'm living my ideal of a beautiful life.

On that note, I'm off to complete some errands, meet a friend for an afternoon ramble, and think about what we'll BBQ for supper on such a gorgeous autumn day!

Wishing you a lovely day,

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Orange Kitten Found

Orange Kitten nestled on the deck chair

Remember, last week I mentioned that Orange Kitten (neighbour's kitty) went missing. Although she's not of our household, she's as entrenched in my heart as if she did belong here, so I was sure praying for her safe return.

Oh joy! Oh bliss! when Rick saw her scampering across our front lawn yesterday. And, today I got to see her with my own eyes. I went out for the mail and she followed me home from her house. 

Apparently she'd wandered awaaaaaaaaay off into another neighbourhood. Someone found her and took her to the SPCA, which is where the owners retrieved her. You can tell she must have been lost and hungry a few days because she's very protective of her food now. (Of course Aunty had give her special treats when she came -- don't aunties always do that??)

On that note, I'm calling it a day.... 
hope yours has happy endings too.


Monday, September 21, 2009

When Do You Like To Clean?

When are you motivated to clean your house? Those times you actually get into it and enjoy bringing order from chaos and making your home pretty and inviting?

A. When you can see the dust

B. When you are having friends or family over

C. When you are getting ready for a trip or holiday

D. When you return from your trip or holiday

E. On sunny mornings

F. On indoor rainy kinda days

G. The first cheerful day that promises spring has arrived

H. When the leaves start falling and the days grow cooler

* * * * *

I. When you browse a magazine on organizing or decorating

J. When you get something new and pretty for your home

K. Monday mornings, when everyone gets back on schedule

L. When there's that companionable ambience about the day
ie. you're creating in the kitchen and he's puttering in the garden or garage

M. Decorating for a certain season or holiday

N. All the the above

O. None of the above

P. Other

For me, it's "N" -- all the the above have been known to stir enthusiasm at one time or another. This Monday morning, it's specifically A, B, D, and I.

So, how about you? Leave me a note?


Monday, September 14, 2009

The Last Rose of Summer

There is something slightly haunting about watching a rosebush carry on even though she feels the frost creeping in on summer's last breaths. Though the days grow cooler it pours all her energy into forming yet another bud with no guarantee that it will have a chance to bloom open.

It's a good reminder to keep pouring our lives out for the pleasure and goodness of others, even when frosty days threaten to 'nip' us in the bud.

The Irish have the piercingly beautiful melody to their credit, also named "The Last Rose of Summer".  Maybe the composer felt that same sweet pang... listen here if you will.

Wishing you a beautiful day,

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Simply Sunday - The Wild Rose

Photo: Brenda C Leyland

The Wild Rose

The rose blooms in the wilderness
Its only gardener the Creator
The petals send forth their fragrance
Till the air is filled with their sweetness

The rose blooms in wildness
Its beauty fringed with rainbow light
Each blossom exuberantly praises the Designer
As it sways on the evening breeze

One Rose bloomed in the wilderness
Its beauty was crushed underfoot
But though the Rose was cast aside and forgotten
Its Fragrant Blossoms changed forever
The world in which it grew.

(penned July 1988)


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Still Blooming

The season is changing -- you can tell. The air is crisper, the blue skies are more intense, and the garden which was filled with so much birdsong not that long ago seems deserted in comparison.

Things are still blooming in our garden. No frost yet -- we always feel grand to think we've cheated Mr. Frost just a few more days.

Took these photos the other evening as the sun was setting. Orange Kitten hasn't been around to visit us lately, but Miss Kitty still loves to prowl about and snoop under bushes for friendly mice. Thankfully, I've never seen her with one...

I'm meeting friends for breakfast. It's a perfect day for it. And, having caught a glimpse of the state of my hair in the mirror, I best be off....

Here's wishing you all a wonderful day!

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps With Doris Day

I love this song and of course Doris Day sings it beautifully.

Here's my invitation to watch it with me and see if this melody doesn't sing inside your head all day ... I've been humming it for days now!

Wishing you a beautiful day,
 ♥ ♥ ♥